
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Physical-technical series

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Application of iron-containing materials and organic contaminants as charge at grey iron melting


New scientific data are presented considering chemical hardening of metal-containing wastes with organic contaminants (oily cast iron turnings, scale, and polishing sludge with oil content up to 10 mass%. If oils are oxidized and their components are simultaneously transformed into cleaner condition by baling (without high pressure), it is accompanied by formation of basic salts such as (MgOH)3PO4 or (MgOHAlO2 + (MgOH)2SiO3) at co-mixing of excessive amounts of clay (alkaline), lack of magnesite and the acidic medium. When iron contacts the acid, light acid film is decomposed, and a denser phosphate film is formed (phosphate), it promotes good adhesion and provides the required strength of bales. Introducing up to 30% of bales with metal-containing wastes with organic contaminants into charge of furnace according to the developed technology provides an increase up to 70% of the amount of pearlite in the metal base of iron while its dispersion is improving up to 1.4Pd -0.3Pd, and a significant amount of fine hardening phases is formed.
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ISSN 1561-8358 (Print)
ISSN 2524-244X (Online)