About the Authors
A. Ph. IlyuschenkoRussian Federation
Сorresponding member Dr. Sc. (Engineering), Рrofessor, General Director of State Scientific and Production Assotiation of Powder Metallurgy (SSPA PM)
I. V. Fomikhina
Russian Federation
Ph. D. (Engineering), Senior Scientific Researcher, Head of metallophysics laboratory of SSI “Powder Metallurgy Institute”
M. M. Dechko
Russian Federation
Ph. D. (Engineering), Assistant Professor, the Department “Bases of scientific investigations and designing”.
V. N. Kovalevskij
Russian Federation
Dr.Sci. (Engineering), Professor of chair “Powder metallurgy, composite materials and coatings”
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2. Chuvil′deyev, V. N. and Kopylov, V. I. (2004), ″Limit of grains crumbling at ECA-deformation″, Metally [Metals], no. 1, pp. 22–35.
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4. Nokhrin, A. V., Chuvil′deyev, V. N., Kopylov, V. I., Lopatin, Yu. G., Pirozhnikova, O. E., Sakharov, N. V., Piskunov, A. V. and Kozlova, N. A. (2010), ″Correlation Hall – Petch in nano- and microcrystalline metals, produced by methods of intensive plastic deformation″, Fizika granits zeren v metallakh, splavakh i keramikakh. Vestnik Nizhegorodskogo universiteta im. N. I. Lobachevskogo [Physics of grains limits in metals, alloys and ceramics. News of Nizny Novgorod University of N. I. Lobachevsky], no. 5(2), pp. 142–146.
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6. Chuvil′deyev, V. N. (1996), ″Micro mechanism of deformation-stimulated grain- limit self diffusion″, Fizika metallov i metallovedenie [Physics of metals and metals science], vol. 81, no. 5, pp. 5–13.
7. Nokhrin, A. V. (2014), ″Experimental and theoretical investigations of sub-microcristalline metals evolution produced by method of intensive plastic deformation″, D. Sc. Thesis, Condensed Matter Physics, The Federal state autonomous educational institution of higher education ″Nizhny Novgorod State University. Lobachevskii″, N. Novgorod, RU.
8. Kaibysheb, O. A. and Utyashev, F. Z. (2005), ″Superplastisity: Microstructurial Refinement and Superplastic Roll Forming″, Futurepast. Arlington, VA22201 USA, p. 386.
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