
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Physical-technical series

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Analysis of deformation behaviour of fluoroplastic-4 in the conditions of mechanical affect.Polymeric materials and, in particular, fluoroplastic-4 and modifications on its basis are widely used in industry. Unique properties of a fluoroplastic make it irreplaceable constructional material and provide a high demand for production of details of different function. The work is devoted to the analysis of deformation behavior of fluoroplastic in the conditions of loading and to studying of possibility of manufacturing of fluoroplastic products by a method of cold forming of the pressed preparations without the subsequent operations of heating and thermofixing of the sizes of a ready detail. On the basis of the numerous researches of the polymer in various laboratories, authors undertake attempt of creation of mechanical model of fluoroplastic and substantiation of possibility of application of theoretical methods and the approaches, developed for low-molecular materials, to calculation of fluoroplastic products. A technological process of manufacturing of cutting fluoroplastic rings obtained by winding a tape preparation on cylindrical pilot is considered, and possibility of creation a theoretical base for design and calculation of a tool allowing cold deformation to obtain a product of demanded shape and size is studied. By results of the analysis it is established, that owing to high crystallinity of fluoroplastic, obtained at polymerization and increasing at recrystallization processes, its structure can be considered as completely crystal, homogeneous and isotropic, corresponding to materials studied in the mechanic of solid deformable bodies. Neglecting to the presence in structure of an insignificant amorphous phase and its influence on the deformation mechanism, mechanical behaviour of fluoroplastic at power influence it is possible to consider as the process including only two deformations – elastic (consisting truly elastic and highly-elastic, submitting to certain values to Hooke’s law) and residual, growing out of structural reorganization of a material. At the same time, exactly recrystallization, leading to occurrence of irreversible deformations, it is necessary to accept as a limit state of a material, and as settlement limit pressure it is necessary to use a limit of recrystallization of a material. On the basis of generalization and analysis of results of researches concerning a structure of fluoroplastic, changes of its structure at power influence and character of arising deformations, authors founded and proved for the first time a possibility of acceptance of the model of solid crystal body for the polymer and application of approaches and settlement techniques developed in the mechanic of solid deformable environments for classical low-molecular materials to the mathematical description of its deformation behavior at loading.

About the Authors

G. A. Vershina
Belarusian National Technical University
Russian Federation
Ph. D. (Engineering), Assistant Professor, First Vice-Rector

L. E. Reut
Belarusian National Technical University
Russian Federation
Ph. D. (Engineering), Assistant Professor, Assistant Professor,


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ISSN 1561-8358 (Print)
ISSN 2524-244X (Online)