
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Physical-technical series

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It is established that in magneto static fields, which can really be used in industrial equipment, the magnitude of electromagnetic energy is not sufficient for phase equilibrium changing. However, in pulse magnetic field, ones can obtain the changing of phase equilibrium for surface layer of ferromagnetic work material. The thickness of material layers is comparable with skin depth. It is shown, that the magnetic-pulse action on ferromagnetic sample surface provides conditions for formation of small-dispersed structure when the temperature approaches to the Curie temperature. In the presence of strong magnetic field, deformations of ferromagnetic regions arise due to magnetostriction, which are displaced relative to paramagnetic regions localized near the grain and domain boundaries. It leads to a disintegration of ferrite grains and to formation of an anisotropic structure since the regions with specific orientation of crystal planes are disintegrated by magnetostriction.

About the Authors

A. V. Alifanov
Physical Technical Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
D. Sc. (Engineering), Professor, Head of the Department of the volumetric heterogeneous systems.

D. A. Tsionenko
Belarusian state university of Informatics and Radioelectronic
Ph. D. (Physics and Mathematics), Assistant Professor.

A. M. Miliukova
Physical Technical Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Ph. D. (Engineering), Head of laboratory

N. M. Tsionenko
Belarusian State Pedagogical University, named after Maxim Tank


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