Аб аўтарах
М. МалькоБеларусь
А. Асадчий
С. Василевич
Д. Дегтеров
Спіс літаратуры
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3. Biomass Gasifier Tars: Their Nature, Formation and Conversion / T. A. Milne, N. Abatzoglou, R. J. Evans // NREL Technical Report (NREL/TP-570-25357), November 1998.
4. The formation of Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons and Dioxins During Pyrolysis: A Review of the Literature with Descriptions of Biomass Composition, Fast Pyrolysis Technologies and Thermochemical Reactions / M. Garcia-Perеz. – Wachington State University Edition, June 2008.
5. A Review of the Literature on Catalytic Biomass Tar Destruction. Milestone Completion Report / D. Dayton // NREL/TP-510-32815, (2002), 27 p.
6. Review of Catalysts for Tar Elimination in Biomass Gasification / Z.A. El-Rub, E.A. Bramer, G.Brem//Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. - 2004. - Vol. 43. - P. 6911–6919.
7. Лесные ресурсы как возобновляемый энергетический потенциал Беларуси / А. И. Ковалевич // Материалы международного семинара экспертов (Минск, 22–24 февраля 2011 г.). – Минск: Беларуская навука. 2011. - С. 101–114.
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9. Lee, D. K. An apparent kietic model for the carbonation of calcium oxide by carbon dioxide / D. K. Lee // Chem. Eng. J. - 2004. - Vol. 100. - P. 71–77.
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