About the Authors
V. M. ChertkovBelarus
D. Sc. (Engineering), Professor, Head of Department of Radio Electronics.
V. K. Zheleznjak
master of engineering, senior lecturer, the Department of Radio Electronics.
1. Chertkov, V. M. and Maltsev, S.V. (2010), ″Phase-keying signal utilization for nonlinear radar location tasks″, Vestnik Polotskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya S: Fundamental’nye nauki [Herald of Polotsk State University. Series C, Fundamental sciences], no. 3, pp. 129–134.
2. Dzhons, T. H. ″Obzor tekhnologii nelineynoy lokatsii″, Available at: http://www.sinf.ru/catalog/sp_articles/article03.htm, (Accessed 05 November 2015).
3. Chertkov, V. M. and Maltsev, S. V. (2012), ″Determination of object’s electrophysical properties by methods of non-linear radiolocation″, Vestnik Polotskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya S: Fundamental’nye nauki [Herald of Polotsk State University. Series C, Fundamental sciences], no. 4, pp. 99–102.
4. Chertkov, V. M. and Zheleznyak, V. K. (2015), ″Nonlinear radar for identification of hidden radio-electronic″, Sovremennye sredstva svyazi: materialy XX Mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-tekhnicheskoi konferentsii [Articles XX International scientific-technical conference «Modern means of communication»], Minsk, BY, pp. 210–211.
5. Chertkov, V. M. and Maltsev, S. V. (2013), ″Improving the reliability of the identification of nonlinear objects″, Informatika, matematicheskoe modelirovanie, ekonomika: sbornik nauch. statei po itogam III Mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii [Collection of scientific articles on the results of the III scientific-technical conference «Information technology, mathematical modeling, the economy»], Smolensk, RU, vol. 2, pp. 77–80.
6. Chertkov, V. M. and Maltsev, S. V. (2013), ″The search and detection of non-linear objects with recognition of nonlinearity based on their electrophysical properties″, Vestnik Polotskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya S: Fun- damental’nye nauki [Herald of Polotsk State University. Series C, Fundamental sciences], no. 4, pp. 105–109.
7. Chertkov, V. M. and Zheleznyak, V. K. (2015), ″The Method for increasing reliability of the identification of embedded devices using DSB-signal″, Intellektual’nye sistemy na transporte: Materialy V mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii ″IntellektTrans-2015″ [Articles V International scientific-practical conference «Intelligent transport systems (IntellektTrans-2015)»], St. Petersburg, RU, pp. 293–298.
8. Kargashin, V. L., Tkach, V. N. and Tkachev, D.V. (2004), ″Nonlinear short-range radar. New algorithms for the identification of electronic devices″, Spetsial’naya Tekhnika [Special Technics], no. 6, pp. 42–48.
9. Zheleznyak, V. K. (2015), ″Software control of hardware-software system for automated search of hidden radio-electronic means″, Informatsionnye tekhnologii i sistemy 2015 (ITS 2015): materialy mezhdunar. nauchnoi konferentsii [Articles of the International Scientific Conference «Information Technologies and Systems 2015 (ITS 2015)»], Minsk, BY, pp. 34–35.
10. Chertkov, V. M. (2014), ″The control system model based on processing and analysis data in real time of instruments MATLAB″, Tekhnika i tekhnologiya: novye perspektivy razvitiya [Technique and technology: new prospects], no. 15, pp. 111–118.
11. Chertkov, V. M. and Maltsev, S.V. (2015), Sposob obnaruzheniya nelineinogo ob»ekta s identifikatsiei tipa nelineinosti [The method for detecting non-linear object with an identification type of the nonlinearity], BY, Pat. 19665.