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5. Chertkov, V. M. and Maltsev, S. V. (2013), ″Improving the reliability of the identification of nonlinear objects″, Informatika, matematicheskoe modelirovanie, ekonomika: sbornik nauch. statei po itogam III Mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii [Collection of scientific articles on the results of the III scientific-technical conference «Information technology, mathematical modeling, the economy»], Smolensk, RU, vol. 2, pp. 77-80.
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10. Chertkov, V. M. (2014), ″The control system model based on processing and analysis data in real time of instruments MATLAB″, Tekhnika i tekhnologiya: novye perspektivy razvitiya [Technique and technology: new prospects], no. 15, pp. 111-118.
11. Chertkov, V. M. and Maltsev, S.V. (2015), Sposob obnaruzheniya nelineinogo ob»ekta s identifikatsiei tipa nelineinosti [The method for detecting non-linear object with an identification type of the nonlinearity], BY, Pat. 19665.