
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Physical-technical series

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Currently space industry development sets key macro-economic indicators in the country. It influences on such indicators as value and growth rates of GDP, improves competitiveness of industrial products and whole economies. The paper contains information about main areas of using space activity results in military and civilian spheres, the analysis of the current conditions and prospects of development of the world market of space services aimed at meeting peoples’ needs. The authors create a mathematical model for estimating and predicting market capacity given actual trends of reducing space service cost in the world in order to assess development of equipment and technologies in the field of space activities. The paper contains the forecast of changes in the volume of purchases and capacity of space service market until 2026.

About the Authors

A. A. Chursin
RUDN University
Russian Federation
Academician of Russian Academy of Military Science, D. Sc. (Economics,

Yu. N. Makarov
RUDN University, State Space Corporation “Roscosmos”
Russian Federation
Academician of Russian Academy of cosmonautics, named after K.E. Tsiolkovski, D. Sc. (Economics), Head of strategic planning and target
programmes department


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