
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Physical-technical series

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About the Authors

S. V. Avdejchik
LLC “Molder”, Grodno
Ph. D. (Engineering), Associate Professor, engineer

V. A. Struk
Yanka Kupala State University, Grodno
D. Sc. (Engineering), Professor, Chief Research Officer of R&D Department

Y. I. Eisymont
Yanka Kupala State University, Grodno
Ph. D. (Engineering), Associate Professor of Department of Logistics and Management Methods


1. Gol’dade V.A., Struk V.A., Pesetskii S.S. Wear Inhibitors of Metal Polymer Systems. Moscow, Khimiya Publ., 1993, 240 p. (Іn Russian).

2. Struk V.A. Tribochemical concept of creation of anti-friction material on the basis of tonnage produced polymer binders. Gomel, 1988, 240 p. (Іn Russian).

3. Gul’ V.E., Kuleznev V.N. Structure and mechanical properties of polymers. Moscow, Vysshaya Shkola Publ., 1979. 352 p. (In Russian).

4. Babaevskii P.G., Vinogradov V.M., Golovkin G.S. Plastics of constructional purposes (thermosets). Moscow, Khimiya Publ., 1974. 304 p. (In Russian).

5. Sperling L.H. Interpenetrating Polymer Networks and Related Materials. New York, Springer, 1981. 327 p. Doi: 10.1007/978-1-4684-3830-7

6. Gul’ V.E. The structure and strength of the polymers. Moscow, Khimiya Publ., 1978. 316 p. (Іn Russian).

7. Kuleznev V.N. Mixtures of the polymers. Moscow, Khimiya Publ., 1980. 304 p. (Іn Russian).

8. Belyi V.A., Pleskachevskii Yu.M. Metal Polymer Systems. Moscow, Znaniye Publ., 1982. 64 p. (Іn Russian).

9. Shcherbakov S.V. Technology, design and operation characteristics of the combined engineering materials and products. Minsk, 1983. 32 p. (Іn Russian).

10. Neverov A.S. Creation and research and conservation of sealing materials for engineering based on polyethylene. Minsk, 1978. 14 p. (Іn Russian).

11. Gol’dade V.A., Neverov A.S., Pinchuk L.S. Low modulus composite materials based on thermoplastic. Minsk, Nauka i Tekhnika Publ., 1984. 231 p. (In Russian).

12. Belyi V.A., Egorenkov N.I., Koretskaya L.S., Krasovskii A.M., Pinchuk L.S. Metal-polymeric products and materials. Moscow, Khimiya Publ., 1979. 312 p. (In Russian).

13. Struk V.A., Manulenko A.F., Kolyago G.G. Construction materials on the basis of technological waste. Minsk, Belarusian Scientific Research Institute of Scientific and Technical Information and Technical and Economic Research, 1987. 40 р. (In Russian).

14. Skaskevich A.A. Structure and technology of low-filled engineering materials based on engineering thermoplastics modified with carbon nanoclusters. Minsk, 2000. 18 p. (In Russian).

15. Avdeichik S.V., Liopo V.A., Struk V.A., PrushakV.Ya., Dmitrochenko V.V., Protasenya A.V. The polymer-silicate engineering materials: physics and chemistry, technology, application. Minsk, Tehnalogiya Publ., 2007. 431 p. (In Russian).

16. Pokid’ko B.V. Adsorptive modifying of laminated silicates for reception of polymer-silicate nanocomposites. Moscow, 2005. 120 p. (Іn Russian).

17. Avdeichik S.V., Kravchenko V.I., Lovshenko F.G., Lovshenko G.F., Ovchinnikov E.V., Struk V.A. Tribochemical technology of functional composite materials. Grodno, Grodno State Agrarian University, 2007. 320 р. (Іn Russian).

18. Avdeichik S.V., Kostyukovich G.A., Kravchenko V.I., Lovshenko F.G., Lovshenko G.F. Nanocomposite engineering materials: experience in the development and application. Grodno, Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, 2006. 403 p. (Іn Russian).

19. Pleskachevskii Yu.M. Creation of engineering metal-polymer materials and products using the radiation-heat treatment. Minsk, 1984. 42 p. (Іn Russian).

20. Vinogradov A.V. Creation and research of engineering tribological materials based on PTFE and ultrafine sialons. Gomel, 1993. 293 p. (Іn Russian).

21. Okhlopkova A.A., Vinogradov A.V., Pinchuk L.S. Plastics, filled with ultrafine inorganic compounds. Gomel, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. V.A. Belyi Metal-Polymer Research Institute, 1999. 164 p. (Іn Russian).

22. Petrova P.A. Development of engineering materials based on polytetrafluoroethylene and natural zeolites of Yakutian fields. Gomel, 2002. 125 р. (Іn Russian).

23. Buznik V.M. State of domestic fluoropolymers chemistry and ist possible development prospects. Rossiiskii khimicheskii zhurnal [Russian Chemical Journal], 2008, vol. LII, no. 3, рp. 7–12. (Іn Russian).

24. Avdeichik S.V., Liopo V.A., Ryskulov A.A., Struk V.A. Introduction to the physics of nanocomposite engineering materials. Grodno, Grodno State Agrarian University, 2009. 439 p. (In Russian).

25. Guozhong Cao, Ying Wang. Nanostructures and nanomaterials. World Scientific Publ., 2011. 581 p. Doi: 10.1142/7885

26. Gusev A.I. Nanomaterials, nanostructures, nanotechnology. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 2007. 416 p. (In Russian).

27. Kryzhanovskii V.K. Wear-resistant thermosets. Leningrad, Khimiya Publ., 1984. 120 p. (In Russian).

28. Sirenko G.A. Anti-friction carbo plastics. Kiev, Tekhnologiya Publ., 1985, 195 p. (In Russian).

29. Vereshchagin A.S., Voznyakovskii A.P., Grigor’eva T.F., Kirillov O.N., Kozlov A.M., Kozlov A.A., Liopo V.A., Mandrykin A.V., Mokritskii B.Ya., Morozova A.V., Ovchinnikov E.V., Panaioti V.A., Petreshin D.I., Popov S.A., Prushak D.A., Ryazantsev A.Yu., Skrygin O.V., Smolentsev V.P., Struk V.A., S’yanov S.Yu., Fedonin O.N., Khandozhko A.V., Eisymont E.I. Innovative engineering technologies, equipment and tools. Volume V. Moscow, Publishing House “Spectrum”, 2015, pp. 33–144. (Іn Russian).

30. Lyakhov N.Z., Ovchinnikov E.V., Grigor’eva T.F., Eisymont E.I. Features of the structure of nanocomposite mechanically activated silicon particles. Vesnіk GrDU іmya Yankі Kupaly. Ser. 6. Tekhnіka [Vesnik of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno. Series 6. Engineering Science], 2012, no. 3 (137), рp. 32–40. (Іn Russian).

31. Eisymont E.I., Ovchinnikov E.V., Grigor’eva T.F. Charge Activity of mechanically activated particles of inorganic substances. Vesnіk GrDU іmya Yankі Kupaly. Ser. 6. Tekhnіka [Vesnik of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno. Series 6. Engineering Science], 2012, no. 4 (141), рp. 101–112. (Іn Russian).

32. Baramboim N.K., Rakityanskii V.F. Mechanochemical effects in the extrusion of mixture of polypropylene + polycaproamide. Plasticheskie massy [Plasticheskie massy], 1971, no. 11, pp. 34–35. (Іn Russian).

33. Baramboim N.K. Mechanochemistry macromolecular compounds. Moscow, Khimiya Publ., 1978. 384 p. (In Russian).

34. Kerber M.L. Modification of polymeric materials during their processing. Plasticheskie massy [Plasticheskie massy], 1971, no. 5, pp. 59–66. (Іn Russian).


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