
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Physical-technical series

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Correlation dependencies for burnup determination and actinides content in spent nuclear fuel


Correlation dependencies have been obtained to determine the burn­out and content of actinides in spent nuclear fuel based on an analysis of published experimental data on the definition of burnout and isotopic composition of spent nuclear fuel rods for samples of PWR and VVER reactor types using statistical methods. Given dependencies of the mass concentration of actinides at the end of irradiation after checking for normality correspond to the initial experimental data. These relationships may be of interest to use for non­destructive methods for the purpose of express evaluation of spent nuclear fuel burnout at all stages of the nuclear cycle.

About the Authors

G. Z. Serebriany
Объединенный институт энергетических и ядерных исследований - Сосны НАН Беларуси

D. O. Rudovich
Объединенный институт энергетических и ядерных исследований - Сосны НАН Беларуси

M. L. Zhemzhurov
Объединенный институт энергетических и ядерных исследований - Сосны НАН Беларуси


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ISSN 1561-8358 (Print)
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