Theoretical aspects of the implementation of electroplastic deformation for dynamic pinch-effect at elastic-plastic deformation of metals with the participation of self-magnetic field of current are considered. The redistribution of magnetic field intensity H in the surface layers of metal leads to ponderomotive effects in the form of dynamic pinch effect, which in addition to the electron-plastic action of the pulse current leads to a compression of the sample intrinsic magnetic field and the excitation of elastic vibrations of the skeleton of the crystal lattice, with a repetition frequency of current pulses at the front of their rise. Dynamic pinch effect creates ultrasonic vibration of the lattice system, thus changing the kinetics, and induced plastic deformation due to the increase of the oscillation amplitude of rectilinear dislocations and periodic changes of the position of the dislocation loops with a higher probability of detachment of dislocations from stoppers. At deformation above the yield limit, due to the pinch effect, magnetic field of a current diffuses into crystal, thus the rate of diffusion depends on the conductivity of the metal and the frequency of the current. At the same geometry of the samples, the pinch effect is stronger for materials with high electrical conductivity. For practical use of the technology of electroplastic deformation, especially in the processing of metals by pressure by drawing, rolling and so on, it is necessary to consider physical conditions of the creation of the ponderomotive effects in relation to particular technologically important materials.
About the Authors
V. S. SavenkoBelarus
D. Sc. (Engineering), Professor, Head of the Department of General Physics
O. A. Troickij
Russian Federation
D. Sc. (Engineering), Professor, Head of Regnum Scientific Employee
A. G. Silivonec
Master Student, Department of Physical Total Heal
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