
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Physical-technical series

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A four-mirror planaanastigmat calculation method is presented. Design feature of new mirror composition is existence of the afoсal scheme from the first two mirrors. The first and fourth mirrors can be combined into one unit (double mirror) which frame is an objective aperture. Different variants of designs are found; parametric characteristics of various modules are given. Seidel coefficients are described and the formulas of third order aberration polynomials are obtained. The correction factors of spherical aberration, coma, astigmatism are determined. Aberration correction is carried out at the expense of an asferization of smooth surfaces. The plane – field anastigmats are discussed; сlassification analysis by type of circuit decisions is executed for the purpose of obtaining a flat image field. A model of aberrational parametric algorithm of a new mirror plane – field anastigmat composition with a double mirror is developed. The system summary graphic and design factors have been presented. The problem on protection of the image plane from the foreign light has been considered. A light-gathering system (relative aperture D/f´ 1 : 1) consisting of four mirrors with a large field of view (near 2 w = 15o ) has been developed. The system proposed provides a stable correction of aberrations in the field of view: in the setup plane, the circle of confusion is equal to 0.1 mm at the center and does not exceed 0.05 mm, with a small back-ground exceeding this limit at the edge. The image curvature is corrected and the astigmatism does not exceed 0.05 mm. The absence of chromatic aberrations, high resolving power, and acceptable conditions for disposition of receiving apparatus in the new mirror plananastigmat composition proposed allow it to be widely used. The objective proposed can be used in thermal imaging as well as optical devices operating in the infrared region of the spectrum.


About the Author

N. K. Artioukhina
Belarusian National Technical University, Minsk
D. Sc. (Engineering), Proffesor of Department of the Laser Equipment and Technology


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ISSN 1561-8358 (Print)
ISSN 2524-244X (Online)