
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Physical-technical series

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A description of mass transfer processes in nanodispersed magnetic suspensions (magnetic fluids) is proposed under the assumption that assembly of magnetic particles in them can exist in the form of two phases: gaseous and condensed, and the phase transitions are determined by well-known thermodynamic conditions of phase equilibrium and depend on concentration of particles and magnetic field intensity. The distribution of concentration of magnetic particles in a gas phase conforms the diffusion equation, and in the condensed phase it is supposed to be constant. Process is described by the dimensionless magnetic parameter representing the relation of magnetic energy of a particle to thermal one, and also by the parameter characterizing dipole-dipole interaction between particles. The analytical solution to one-dimensional problem on distribution of concentration of particles in a magnetic fluid in locally non-uniform magnetic field is presented on the basis of the equations of diffusion and phase equilibrium. It is shown, that phase transition at given average concentration of particles is observed when the magnetic parameter exceeds certain value, and the area of the condensed phase increases with its increasing. At its large values the coordinate of phase transition boundary depends on average concentration of particles in the considered problem practically linearly.

About the Authors

V. G. Bashtovoi
Belarusian National Technical University
Dr. Sc. (Physics and Mathematics), Professor, Head of the UNESCO Chair “Energy conservation and renewable energies”

P. P. Kuzhir
University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis
Ph. d., Lector

A. Yu. Zubarev
Ural Federal University
Russian Federation
Dr. Sc. (Physics and Mathematics), Professor, Principal Researcher

V. S. Moroz
Belarusian National Technical University
Assistant of the UNESCO Chair “Energy conservation and renewable energies”


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