
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Physical-technical series

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Now broad application at production of special protective clothes of firefighters is found by the metallized materials steady against influence of fire and high temperatures and thermal streams. Application of traditional ways of a fastening of details from the metallized materials with a film covering, steady against influence of fire, high temperature and thermal streams, promotes formation of connections with low operational and heat-physical characteristics. There is a need for creation of technology solutions providing release of qualitative, reliable samples of special protective clothes for firefighters, made from heat- and fire-resistant metallized materials. Main methodological approaches used at optimization of structure of the thermo-sealing composition and parameters of technological process chosen for realization of original technology of thermo-sealing and hardening of knots and connections of special protective firefighter’s clothes from increased thermal influences are stated. The objective is solved with use of methods of mathematical planning of a multifactor experiment and a simplex planning. The expense of polymeric composition, mass of fire-retarding agent, time and temperature of contact drying are chosen as the varied factors. The indicators “Explosive loading at stretching perpendicular to a seam” and “An oxygen index” are the criteria of optimization. The rational combination of the components of the thermo-sealing composition and the parameters of the technological process for obtaining strong, fire-resistant joints details of special protective firefighter’s clothing is determined. The developed recipe of the thermo-sealing composition and the parameters of the technological process have been tested at production of fragments of heat-shielding firemen’s suits.

About the Authors

V. I. Olshansky
Vitebsk State Technological University
Рh. D. (Engineering), Professor, Head of Department of Technology and equipment of machine-building production

V. P. Dovydenkova
Vitebsk State Technological University
Master of Engineering, Senior Lecturer, the Department of Design and Technology clothing

A. F. Hudoleev
Emergency Situations Ministry of the Republic of Belarus
Deputy Minister on Emergency Situations of Republic of Belarus

N. M. Dmitrakovich
University of Civil Protection of the Ministry for Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus
Рh. D. (Engineering), Associate Professor, Head of Department of Management of protection against Еmergency situations


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ISSN 1561-8358 (Print)
ISSN 2524-244X (Online)