
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Physical-technical series

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The physical and chemical basis of formation of nanostructured state of material are represented and processing methods of nanostructured materials and coatings used in surface engineering are described. The information about the degree of influence of treatment regimes of gas-thermal spraying, electrochemical deposition, microarc oxidation, tribomechanical treatment and frictional cladding by a flexible tool on the processes of formation of structural-phase state and the level of the surface layer properties is given. A new generation of surface engineering technologies on the basis of the research is developed. The formed coating and surface layers maintain stability of structural-phase state under high loads and temperatures and have high wear resistance, thermal resistance and corrosion resistance for a long time. The examples of practical implementation of the developed methods of surface engineering and nanotechnologies for industrial plants are shown. Manufacturing sites are built and the developed technologies of coating application and modification of the surface layers by the activated surface engineering methods are used in more than 50 enterprises of Belarus, Russia, Korea and other countries. The using of developed nanostructured materials and coatings as well as methods and means of surface engineering technologies allows increasing the technical level of the engineering techniques, reducing the cost of production and improving the competitiveness of products.

About the Authors

P. A. Vityaz
Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, D. Sc. (Engineering), Professor, Head of Staff of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

V. I. Zhornik
Joint Institute of Mechanical Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
D. Sc. (Engineering), Assistance Professor, Head of Laboratory


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9. Vityaz P. A., Zhornik V. I., Kukareko V. A., Komarov A. I., Seniut’ V. T. Modification of materials and coatings by the nanosized diamond contained additives. Minsk, Belaruskaya navuka Publ., 2011. 527 p. (in Russian).

10. Kolmakov A. G., Barinov S. M., Alymov M. I. Fundamentals of technologies and applications of nanomaterials. Moscow, Fizmatlit Publ., 2012. 208 p. (in Russian).

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15. Vityaz P. A., Il’iushchenko A. F., Shevtsov A. I. Fundamentals of wear-resistant, corrosion-resistant and thermal barrier coatings. Мinsk, Belaruskaya navuka Publ., 2006. 363 p. (in Russian).

16. Vityaz P. A., Zhornik V. I., Kukareko V. A. Increase of wear resistance of surfaces by tribomodification in presence of grease with nanosized diamond contained additives. Klubovich V. V. (ed.). Perspektivnye tekhnologii [Advanced technologies]. Vitebsk, Vitebsk State Technological University, 2011, pp. 146–184 (in Russian).

17. Vityaz P. A., Kheifetz M. L., Koukhta S. V. Laser-plasma techniques in computer-controlled manufacturing. Minsk, Belorusskaya nauka Publ., 2011. 164 р. (in Russian).

18. Vityaz P. A., Azizov R. O., Belotserkovsky M. A. Hardening of gas-thermal coatings. Мinsk, Bestprint Publ., 2004. 192 p. (in Russian).

19. Vityaz P. A., Zhornik V. I., Belotserkovsky M. A., Levantsevich M. A. Increase of resource of tribojoining by the activated methods of surface engineering. Мinsk, Belaruskaya navuka Publ., 2012. 452 p. (in Russian).

20. Chernovol M. I., Vorona T. V., Mikosianchik O. A., Lopata L. A. Structure-phases transformations in gas-thermal coatings during spraying and subsequent electrocontact treatment. Problemy tertia ta znoshuvannia = Problems of friction and wear, 2015, no. 2 (67), pp. 99–109 (in Russian).

21. Belotserkovsky M. A. Technologies of activated gas-flame spraying of antifriction coatings. Мinsk, Technoprint Publ., 2004. 200 p. (in Russian).

22. Vityaz P. A., Belotserkovsky M. A. Theoretical background of activating of gas-flame spraying by cocurrent flows. Poroshkovaya metallurgiya: sb. nauch. tr. [Powder metallurgy collection of scientific papers]. Minsk, Belaruskaya navuka Publ., 2010, no. 33, pp. 232–241 (in Russian).

23. Kukareko V. A., Belotserkovsky M. A., Belyi A. V., Grigorchik A. N. Effect of ion-beam nitriding on structure, phase state, and tribological behavior of efficient thermal spray coatings deposited from various classes of rod steels. Journal of Friction and Wear, 2013, vol. 34, no. 6, pp. 475–480. Doi: 10.3103/s1068366613060093

24. Grigorchik A. N., Kukareko V. A., Belyi A. V., Belotserkovsky M. A., Khina B. B. Regularities of diffusion of nitrogen during ion-beam nitriding of gas-thermal coating produced from austenitic steel 06H19N9T. Mekhanika mashin, mekhanizmov i materialov = Mechanics of machines, mechanisms and materials, 2016, no. 2, pp. 75–80 (in Russian).

25. Vityaz P. A., Komarov A. I., Komarova V. I. Formation of wear-resistance hardening coatings by microarc oxidation, immediate and subsequent modification by carbon nanomaterials. Klubovich V. V. (ed.). Perspektivnye tekhnologii [Advanced technologies]. Vitebsk, Vitebsk State Technological University, 2011, pp. 114–148 (in Russian).

26. Vityaz P. A., Basiniuk V. L., Belotserkovsky M. A., Zhornik V. I., Komarov A. I., Kukareko V. A., Levantsevich M. A. Use of the nanostructured materials and activated methods of surfaces engineering for production of modern technical objects. Mekhanika mashin, mekhanizmov i materialov = Mechanics of machines, mechanisms and materials, 2012, no. 3–4, pp. 46–66 (in Russian).

27. Zhornik V. I., Kukareko V. A., Belotserkovsky М. А. Tribomechanical Modification of Friction Surface by RunningIn Lubricants with Nano-Sized Diamonds. Campbell J. M. (ed.). Advances in Mechanics Research. Vol. 1. New York, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2011, pp. 1–78.

28. Belevskii L. S. Plastic deformation of surface layer and formation of coating during cladding by the flexible tool. Маgnitogorsk, Publishing House of Magnitogorsk Lyceum of Russian Academy of Sciences, 1996. 230 p. (in Russian).

29. Antsupov V. P. Theory and practice of cladding of products by the flexible tool. Маgnitogorsk, Magnitogorsk State Technical University named after G. I. Nosov, 1999. 241 p. (in Russian).

30. Vityaz P. A., Levantsevich M. A., Maksimchenko N. N., Bodrykh T. I., Stepanova L. I. Tribotechnical properties of think metal coatings with nanosized fillers. Trenie i iznos = Journal of Friction and Wear, 2004, vol. 25, no. 6, pp. 593–601 (in Russian).


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