
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Physical-technical series

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The article deals with the results of thermohydrodynamic processes in a spraying chamber with direct gas flow and counter-current flows. The upper gas distribution device in a spraying chamber is shaped as a grid system, while the bottom device represents a branch pipe with a swirler pointing upwards. The chamber features counter-current flow interactions, and the bottom flow is introduced as a swirling jet. The experimental calculations of gas axial flow rates, temperature and thermal conductivity distribution in different chamber sections are provided. The thermal conductivity properties were determined with the normal mode method. The study was performed with ball-shaped sensors made of materials with high thermal conductivity (copper, brass) with centered thermocouples. The upper gas distribution system in the form of two grids (if no bottom gas inlet was involved) was found to build up an axisymmetric thermal conductivity model, and, consequently, the model-specific gas distribution in the spraying chamber. Referring to the study device, a hole (nozzle) near the burner results in asymmetric pattern, irregular gas distribution and generation of low-activity areas. Thermal conductivity values in the chamber central area turn to be higher than at the peripheral areas due to gas jet flow. Besides, heat exchange intensity in the chamber central area decreases significantly upon distance from the chamber floor. An extra bottom inlet of heat medium and creation of counter flows was shown to result in substantial increase in thermal conductivity (1.5–2 times) in the chamber central paraxial area and lower section, thus evidencing the hydrodynamic activation and heat and mass exchange intensification, which benefits to more effective use of chamber capacity and improved drying performance.

About the Authors

P. V. Akulich
A. V. Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
D. Sc. (Engineering), Chief Researcher

D. S. Slizhuk
A. V. Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus


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