The method of mathematical experiment planning was used to determine the factors that exert a determining influence on heat-insulating and weather-resistant properties of flame retardant foaming coatings. The studies were carried out on a model composition consisting of a binder, a carbon source, a flame retardant and a pore-forming agent. Evaluation of the influence of the content and the ratio of the main components of the coating was carried out by a change in its heat-insulating ability and weather resistance. During the exploratory experiments, the formulation of the model composition was chosen with the following content of the main components per 100 g of paint: 30 g of melamine-formaldehyde resin, 10 g of pentaerythritol, 30 g of ammonium polyphosphate, 10 g of titanium dioxide. Experiments on the thermal insulation ability consisted in measuring the time in minutes, during which the temperature of 500 °C was recorded on the back of the metal plate (STB 11.03.02-2010). Weather resistance of the fire retardant coating was determined according to the NPB 98-2004. Using numerous experimental data on the change in the thermal and atmospheric properties of the coating, a mathematical model was constructed to maximize the mathematical expectation, depending on its formulation. This model with the use of the Box – Wilson method allowed to determine the optimal ratio of the base components in the model formulation of the fire-retardant composition to provide the normative heat-insulating and operational properties. It is shown that the basic contribution to obtaining the required heat-insulating effect is made by such basic components of the composition as carbonizing (pentaerythritol) and pore-forming (titanium dioxide) agents. However, the composition with improved properties has the worst physical and mechanical characteristics and does not meet regulatory requirements. It has been found that there is a balance between fire-protective and weather-resistant coating properties. The establishment of these facts will make it possible to approach the regulation of weatherproof and fireproof properties in a directed manner and to create new efficient, economical fire-protective coatings with the required regulatory properties.
About the Authors
V. V. BogdanovaBelarus
D. Sc. (Chemistry), Professor, Head of the Laboratory of Fire-Extinguishing Materials
14, Leningradskaya Str., 220006
D. N. Arestovich
Ph. D. (Engineering), Scientific Secretary
25, Mashinostroiteley Str., 220118
V. P. Kirlica
Ph. D. (Physics and Mathematics), Associate Professor
4, Nezavisimosti Ave., 220030
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