
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Physical-technical series

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The article is based on restoration method for the internal structure of a three-dimensional body using polynomial interflatation based on known tomograms (traces) lying on a system of arbitrary planes, which is a generalization of the method of body restoration with its known tomograms on a system of three groups of parallel planes. A definition of tomograms in the mathematical sense has been provided and the algorithm of transition of tomogram images into the functional dependence has been outlined.

Theorems on interflatation properties and errors of the built operator have been formulated and proved. A test case for the construction of the interflatation operator for the quadratic function has been demonstrated, and the computational experiment involved the development of a number of programs in MathCad. The experiment has provided visualization results for an exact solution and a solution obtained experimentally for the case when the exact function is known. It has been shown that the constructed structure approximates this function exactly, which is not the case of classic interpolation operators.

The suggested method makes it possible to solve the problem of three-dimensional computer tomography for a fundamentally new data collection scheme. For example, it permits the use of the fan scheme for data collection in each of the planes in which the tomograms lie. 

About the Authors

Iu. I. Pershyna
Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy, Kharkov

D. Sc. (Physics and Mathematics), Professor

16, Universitetskaya Str., 61003

O. V. Shylin
Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy, Kharkov

Postgraduate Student

16, Universitetskaya Str., 61003


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ISSN 1561-8358 (Print)
ISSN 2524-244X (Online)