The methods of prediction of location of patient’s soft tissues after the treatment of dentoalveolar anomalies are considered. The base forms of teeth mesh models for modelling patient’s dental systems before and also after the medical treatment and patient’s three-dimensional model from his two photos are used as the input data. The relations are established between the base form of the teeth and three-dimensional model. These relations make it possible to modify the form of teeth with smooth modifications of soft tissues on the patient’s head. The prediction position of soft tissues is based on the position of the skeletal profile. A method for constructing the position of patient’s skeletal profile has been developed. It takes into account individual geometric parameters. The algorithm uses the technique of orthodontists to establish a series of geometric relations between the patient’s teeth. An experimental study was conducted by means of visual and numerical evaluation. The mean square deviation between soft tissues of the patient’s face and the predictable position of soft tissues of the patient’s face hadn’t prevail 10 %.
About the Author
Yu. D. VasilyevaRussian Federation
Ph. D. (Engineering), Assistant Professor of Department of Higher Mathematics and Informatics
69, Filimonov Str., 220114
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