Electromagnetic (EMR) and ionizing (IR) radiation are one of the main destabilizing factors which affect functional equipment of space-rocket, aviation and ground-based complexes. Therefore, the direction of physical materials science, associated with the development of new materials and technologies for high-efficiency electromagnetic and radiation protection is of current interest. In the Scientific and Practical Materials Research Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus new materials and technological processes for the formation of electromagnetic and radiation protection of the devices packages and elements of a wide range of purposes have been developed. A constant magnetic field and a powerful electromagnetic pulse are the most difficult variants for protection against EMR. Symmetric and gradient multilayer film structures are the promising materials for solving this problem. Thus, experimental results on the investigation of the efficiency of electromagnetic shields based on the structures of the system (Fe–Co–Ni)/Cu in a constant magnetic field, low-frequency and pulsed EMR are considered. It is shown that while choosing materials for magnetostatic shields, the main magnetic characteristics and the role of the inhomogeneity of the magnetic field in the shield volume and the nonlinearity of the magnetic permeability should be considered. It is concluded about the high efficiency of attenuation of microsecond duration pulsed magnetic fields by the gradient structures, which are 58÷40 dB at the magnetic field strengths of 1.25÷12.0 kA/m, respectively. A composite material based on the tungsten-copper system is proposed for electronic components and integrated circuits protection from the effects of IR. It is demonstrated that radiation shields based on it provide the effective protection against electron- and proton radiation with energies up to 2 MeV and up to 500 MeV, respectively. The practical application results of developed materials and technologies are given.
About the Author
S. S. GrabchikovBelarus
D. Sc (Physics and Mathematics), Chief Researcher at Physics of Magnetic Films Laboratory
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