
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Physical-technical series

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Several methods have been described for increasing the main characteristics (density, heat of combustion, combustion temperature, gas formation index) and operating properties (combustion speed and temperature, total and specific impulse, properties of combustion products) of an energy-saturated heterogeneous composite material by introducing energy additives in the form of fine-dispersed spherical powders of high-energy metals or their alloys, non-metallic materials. Their efficiency has been estimated taking into account the workability and safety of use. The influence of the main ingredients of the composite material on its operating properties has been considered. An analysis of modern approaches of leading manufacturers has been given to increase the operational properties of energy-saturated heterogeneous composite material by introducing into its composition one of the cyclic nitramines with subsequent modification by plasticizers, providing a decrease in the sensitivity of the material. Thermodynamic calculations have been carried out for a number of compositions of an energy-saturated heterogeneous composite material containing plasticized secondary cyclic nitramines. A complex of experimental studies of material samples of various compositions has been performed and their main properties have been determined.  A possibility of an equivalent substitution of finely dispersed aluminum powder in the composition of an energy-saturated heterogeneous composite material for one of the phlegmatized cyclic nitramines. According to the results of thermodynamic calculations and a complex of experimental studies of the energy characteristics of the material, the possibility of such a substitution has been confirmed and the boundaries of the acceptable content of cyclic nitramines in the composition of an energy-saturated heterogeneous composite material have been determined. The tasks for entering the industrial technology of manufacturing at the domestic enterprises of the considered class of materials modified with cyclic nitramines have been formulated.


About the Authors

A. Ph. Ilyushchanka
State Research and Production Powder Metallurgy Association, Minsk; Powder Metallurgy Institute, Minsk
Correspondent Member of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, D. Sc. (Engineering), Professor, General Director

Ya. Ya. Piatsiushyk
State Research and Production Powder Metallurgy Association, Minsk
D. Sc. (Engineering), Professor, Deputy of General Director for Research

A. K. Kryvanos
State Research and Production Powder Metallurgy Association, Minsk
Ph. D. (Military Science), Deputy of General Director


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