
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Physical-technical series

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The processes occurring in the contact of solids differ in their variety, their dependence on the scale of the region under consideration and the values of the acting forces. The study of such processes requires a comprehensive approach to the instrumental and methodological support of research. To establish the mechanisms that take place in nanometer gaps between solids, an instrument for measuring intermolecular and capillary forces has been developed; its design and operating principle have been described. Technical solutions for measuring frictional forces at low loads and measuring submicron wear values are presented. The methods for studying wear mechanisms at friction with terms of the morphology of wear particles and local damage of friction surfaces are described. The methods of diagnostics and estimation of the current state of friction units based on the classification of surface damages and fragments of their fractures by morphological types are considered. A method of estimating the parametric equivalence of full-scale and laboratory tests for friction and wear is given, which opens the possibility of comparing the data obtained under different conditions and establishing the cause of their discrepancy. The capabilities of the method are demonstrated by an example of acting space factors estimation in the framework of the planned experiment on friction study at the International Space Station.

About the Author

A. Ya. Grigoriev
V.A. Belyi Metal-Polymer Research Institute of the National Academy of Science of Belarus, Gomel
D. Sc. (Engineering), Professor, Director


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