
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Physical-technical series

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It is noted that the main components of the quantitative evaluation of the performance of tractors are the indicators of their energy saturation and universality. The key characteristic of tractors of agricultural purpose is the traction class, which characterizes, first of all, the energy saturation of a tractor. Universality of agricultural tractors is characterized, mainly, by their maximum speeds of movement and average speeds of performance of transport works. It has been established that the most important directions for the development of the design of agricultural tractors are based on increasing their productivity. Increasing productivity is achieved by increasing both energy saturation and versatility, which allows to increase the time of continuous operation and the coefficient of using the tractor. It is determined that the increase in energy saturation is ensured by increasing the power of the power unit of wheeled tractors to 600 hp, as well as the addition of model series with new-level caterpillar tractors, closely aligned with wheel-type models of similar power. At the same time, the leading manufacturers of tractors are performing research and development in the development of the concept of an agricultural tractor with an engine of more than 500 hp. The increase in the universality of tractors is accompanied by the development of their construction, which ensures an increase in the maximum and average speeds of movement. The increase in transport speeds of up to 50–60 km/h and more is achieved by the improvement of stepped gearboxes, the development and introduction of continuously variable transmissions, the use and improvement of the characteristics of the suspension of the front driving axles, the cabin and the operator’s seat, the use of brakes of the front driving axle wheels, anti-lock and anti-traction systems, and all-wheel steering. It is shown that to increase the technical level of tractor equipment, great attention is paid to improving the operator’s working conditions, including by improving the design, improving the ergonomic and aesthetic properties of the cabins, automating work processes by developing and implementing on-board electronic control systems, diagnostics and controls. To reduce costs and increase the efficiency of agricultural production, the use of precision farming systems is becoming increasingly widespread.

About the Authors

P. A. Amelchenko
Joint Institute of Mechanical Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk
D. Sc. (Engineering), Professor, Head of Department

D. A. Doubovik
Joint Institute of Mechanical Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk
D. Sc. (Engineering), Assistant Professor, Scientific and Technical Center Director – Head of Laboratory

A. V. Klyuchnikov
Ph. D. (Engineering), Deputy General Designer

A. V. Vaschula
Belorussian Machine Testing Station, Privolny, Minsk district
Ph. D. (Engineering), Director


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ISSN 1561-8358 (Print)
ISSN 2524-244X (Online)