Calculation of the kinetics of heat transfer using the experimental data of moisture exchange in the process of convective drying of thin flat materiаls
In the paper, the authors analyzed the solution of the differential equation of non-stationary heat conduction for an unbounded plate during the heat exchange of plate surfaces with the surrounding medium according to Newton’s law at a constant temperature of the medium. To use the results of solving the equations in the drying of thin flat materials, the dependence of the heat transfer coefficients on temperature and moisture content was studied. As a result of studying and analyzing a number of literature sources, the regularities of the change in the heat transfer coefficients during drying are established with high reliability. Studies of drying of thin wet plates of white and red clays with known heat transfer coefficients have shown that for small values of the heat transfer criterion of the Bio and small temperature gradients over the section of a thin material, application of the results of solutions of the heat transfer equations gives completely satisfactory agreement between the calculated and experimental values of the temperatures and the duration of drying. It is established that for small Bio numbers, the main factor is the external heat and mass transfer of the surface of the material with the surrounding medium and the rate of drying depends little on internal mass transfer. It is shown that the use of numerical methods for solving differential equations is possible with varying degrees of approximation only for accurate and reliable dependences of heat and mass transfer coefficients on moisture content and temperature. For a number of materials with known heat transfer coefficients, the use of analytical methods in calculations is of considerable interest and brings the theory closer to the practice of drying.
About the Authors
A. I. Ol’shanskiiBelarus
Anatolii I. Ol’shanskii – Ph. D. (Engineering), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of technology and equipment of machine-building production.
72, Moskovsky Ave., 210035, Vitebsk
S. V. Zhernosek
Sergei V. Zhernosek – Ph. D. (Engineering), Associate Professor of the Department of technology and equipment of machine-building production.
72, Moskovsky Ave., 210035, VitebskA. M. Gusarov
Aleksei M. Gusarov – Ph. D. (Engineering), Associate Professor of the Department of technology and equipment of machine-building production.
72, Moskovsky Ave., 210035, VitebskReferences
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