Simulation of surface hardening using a fiber-optic laser scanning
An analysis of process of scanning laser processing is made. The possibility of use of program and changeable power of a laser radiation in the course of scanning is shown. A mathematical model of process of training is developed by the scanning laser radiation. The model considers parameters of reciprocation of a laser beam and headway of a detail. Calculation of the temperature profile arising at laser training with a constant power and with change of power of a laser radiation depending on the provision of a laser beam at its relative movement is executed. Implementation of laser training with a program and changeable power of radiation in the course of scanning allows lowering a metabolic cost by 25 % with preservation of the given geometry of a zone of hardening. Results of laser training of a surface of steel 45 with the gas laser and the process unit on the basis of the fiberoptic laser with power up to 2 kW are presented. The volume, hardened in unit of time, was taken for an indicator of efficiency. Use of radiation of the fiber-optic laser provides increase in efficiency of training by 3–5 times in comparison with use of radiation of CO2 laser of the same power. The gained effect is explained by change of conditions of interaction of radiation with the surface of metal at change by an order of a radiation wavelength and also by change of balance distribution of heat in a zone of influence of a laser beam. Taking into account higher efficiency of fiber-optic lasers in comparison with gas, the energy efficiency of use of fiber-optic lasers for the surface strengthening is 9–15 times higher than when using CO2 lasers.
About the Authors
O. G. DevoinoBelarus
D. Sc. (Engineering), Professor, Head of Plasma and Laser Technologies Research Laboratory
V. V. Jarski
D. Sc. (Engineering), Director
A. P. Pilipchuk
Ph. D. (Engineering), Assistant Professor, Assistant Professor of the Department of Mechanics
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