
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Physical-technical series

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Rationale for the parameters of the measuring transducer in RFID technology with inductive coupling


In the work the technology of radio-frequency identification of objects with inductive coupling is considered, using passive electric oscillating circuits tuned to fixed frequencies from the working frequency range as identification features of the object. The choice of the primary measuring transducer and the informative parameter is based on the results of the analysis of the system of inductively coupled active and passive electric oscillation circuits, known from the theory of radio engineering circuits. The parameters of the measuring transducer ensuring the fulfillment of the requirements for identification and localization of objects specified by technological conditions are substantiated. Factors that are potentially dangerous with respect to reducing the information reliability of the measuring transducer are considered, as well as the possibility of reducing their influence to a minimum. The problems of experimental research are formulated. It is shown that the analysis can be performed by software discrete adjustment of the primary measuring transducer and the generator feeding it. In this case, the task of increasing the speed is targeted at decreasing the duration of the step of tuning the primary measuring transducer. The required reliability of object identification is achieved by: ensuring high stability of the frequencies of the generator supplying the primary measuring transducer; accuracy and stability of tuning of the primary measuring transducer to the frequencies of the supplying generator; protection of the primary measuring transducer from the influence of interference generated by external sources and other measuring converters of the object identification system (electromagnetic compatibility of the object identification system); sufficient magnitude of the response of the primary measuring transducer to the introduction of passive electrical oscillation circuits; sufficient frequency tuning interval for passive electric oscillation circuits; accuracy and stability of tuning of passive electric oscillation circuits; stability of the detection threshold relative to the initial level of the informative parameter. Electromagnetic compatibility of measuring transducers, whose sensing elements are in the zone of mutual influence, is provided by synchronizing the operation of measuring transducers with shunting of inactive sensors, screening, mutual orientation and spacing of sensing elements.

About the Authors

V. K. Zheleznyak
Polotsk State University.

D. Sc. (Engineering), Professor.

30, Blokhin Str., Novopolotsk, 211440, Vitebsk region.

V. B. Tolubko
State University of Telecommunications.

D. Sc. (Engineering), Professor, Rector.

7, Solomenskaya Str., Kyiv, 03110.

L. P. Kriuchkova
State University of Telecommunications.

D. Sc. (Engineering), Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Information and Cyber Security Systems.

7, Solomenskaya Str., Kyiv, 03110.

A. P. Provozin
Scientific Research Institute of Electromechanical Devices.

Deputy Chairman of the Board.

27, Academician Crimsky Str., Kyiv, 03680.


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