The effect of electro-erosion treatment of the surface of hard alloy plates on their phase composition and soldering of nitride ceramics cutting elements
The effect of electroerosive treatment of the surface of carbide plates from superhard nitride ceramics on their phase composition and vacuum soldering of cutting elements is studied. Studies of the surface quality and elemental composition have been carried out. The surface of the plates for soldering is processed by the method of electroerosive cutting with brass wire in water, as well as by the method of electroerosive direct burn-through using copper and graphite electrodes in kerosene. The microstructure and elemental composition of the surfaces of hard-alloy plates were investigated by scanning electron microscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy before and after their processing. The analysis of the obtained data indicates that the best results at electro-erosion treatment of the hard-alloyed plate and the strongest bonding of brazed materials are achieved using a copper electrode and brass wire, since this ensures maximum wetting of the plate surface with solder based on Cu–Ti–Sn and the absence of pores. The hard-alloy cutter plate and ceramic cutting element were joined by high-temperature brazing in vacuum. Tests of hard-alloy plates with brazed cutting elements showed that the roughness of the machined surface of workpieces made of ХВГ steel with hardness of HRC 47–62 and ШХ15 steel with hardness of HRC 57–58 corresponded to 6–8 purity class at cutting speed of 155–170 m/min. The wear of the cutter along the trailing edge of 0.4 mm served as a criterion for evaluation of the cutting properties of superhard materials according to the results of durability tests.
About the Authors
V. S. UrbanovichBelarus
Vladimir S. Urbanovich – Ph. D. (Physics and Mathematics), Head of the Laboratory of Refractory Ceramics and Nanomaterials
19, P. Brovka Str., 220072, Minsk
T. D. Malikina
Tatiana D. Malikina – Researcher of the Laboratory of Refractory Ceramics and Nanomaterials
19, P. Brovka Str., 220072, Minsk
E. O. Lavysh
Elena O. Lavysh – Leading engineer of the Laboratory of Refractory Ceramics and Nanomaterials
19, P. Brovka Str., 220072, Minsk
E. N. Shloma
Elena N. Shloma – Leading engineer of the Laboratory of Refractory Ceramics and Nanomaterials
19, P. Brovka Str., 220072, Minsk
S. M. Karas
Svetlana M. Karas – Researcher of the Laboratory of Refractory Ceramics and Nanomaterials
19, P. Brovka Str., 220072, Minsk
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