
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Physical-technical series

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Technology of performance of ice wall when sinking shafts at the example of the objects of the Petrikov mining


Scientific-technical aspects of technology of use of the ice wall when shaft sinking in water-bearing rocks, using an example of objects under construction of the Petrikov mining and processing plant, are studied. The algorithm of process of freezing of the mountain massif is described. The method is developed of calculation of the main parameters of the ice barrier, based on classical scientific concepts in the field of geotechnology, geomechanics and mountain thermal physics, containing modified formulas of thickness and time of the ice wall formation. The high efficiency of the developed technique is confirmed by the results of the successful use of the obtained numerical values of the parameters of the fence in the implementation of the project of sinking shafts. It is shown the possibility of choosing a method of defrosting frozen rocks, based on the analysis of a real three-dimensional model of the ice barrier. The most important criterion for this choice is the uniformity of the thickness of the ice barrier along the circumference of the vertical cylinder. The conclusion is made about the high scientific and practical competence of Belarusian mine builders – scientists and specialists. The country has developed a reliable system of scientific and technical support for the technology of sinking vertical mine shafts using temporary ice fences. Effective methods of preliminary geological studies, calculation of parameters of ice-rock fences and freezing equipment, selection of technology of work have been created. The necessary material and technical base for fast and high-quality performance of all complex of works on a construction of mine trunks in the special way is created.

About the Authors

P. A. Vityaz
Presidium of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus; Joint Institute of Mechanical Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Pyotr A. Vitiaz – Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, D. Sc. (Engineering), Professor, Head of Academy Staff of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

66, Nezavisimosti Ave., 220072, Minsk;

Chief Researcher, Joint Institute of Mechanical Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

I. I. Golovaty
JSC “Belaruskali”

Ivan I. Golovaty – General Director

5, Korzh Str., 223710, Soligorsk, Minsk Region

V. Ya. Prushak
Soligorsk Institute of Resource Saving Problems with Pilot Production

Victor Y. Prushak – Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, D. Sc. (Engineering), Professor, Director

69, Kozlov Str., 223710, Soligorsk, Minsk Region

D. A. Diulin
JSC “Trest Shahtospetsstroy”

Denis A. Diulin – Director General

223710, Soligorsk-4, Minsk Region


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