Probabilistic dose assessment for personnel during decommissioning of spent nuclear fuel storage facility of transportable NPP “Pamir-630D”
The aim of the current work is to perform a probabilistic dose assessment to quantify the relative importance of the source data uncertainties contribution towards the uncertainty estimates of collective and maximum individual doses of personnel during decommissioning of a storage facility. A probabilistic approach to the analysis of dose loads, including the analysis of sensitivity and uncertainty with respect to the input parameters of the used calculation models of dose assessment, allows to determine the most sensitive parameters, inaccuracies in the task of which lead to significant uncertainties in the estimates of dose loads on personnel and, therefore, require more accurate determination of conservative boundary values in deterministic analysis and safety justification. The calculations were performed by applying the code RESRAD-BUILD 3.50, developed by the Argonne National Laboratory of the US Department of Energy. The obtained results allow us to rank the parameters of the computational model according to the degree of their influence on the uncertainty of the final estimates of the dose loads on personnel, to develop recommendations for optimizing dose loads when performing radiation-hazardous work during nuclear facilities decommissioning.
About the Authors
A. V. KuzminBelarus
Andrei V. Kuzmin – Ph. D. (Physics and Mathematics), Director General
P. O. box 119, 220109, Minsk
A. V. Radkevich
Artyom V. Radkevich – Scientific Secretary
P. O. box 119, 220109, Minsk
V. P. Petrushkevich
Vladimir P. Petrushkevich – Head of the Department of Operation of Technological Systems of Storage Facilities and Storage Facilities for Radiation Sources and Radioactive Waste
P. O. box 119, 220109, Minsk
N. D. Kuzmina
Natallia D. Kuzmina – Senior Researcher
P. O. box 119, 220109, Minsk
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