Electrophysical characteristics of the desalination plant based on the principle of capacitive deionization
About the Authors
A. S. ZhdanokBelarus
Artem S. Zhdanok – Leading Engineer, Head of the Laboratory of Carbon Materials Application
P. O. box 166, 2а, Tolbukhin Str., 220012
A. G. Charviak
Aliaksei G. Charviak – Researcher
P. O. box 166, 2а, Tolbukhin Str., 220012
Ya. A. Matveichyk
Yauheni A. Matveichyk – Researcher
P. O. box 166, 2а, Tolbukhin Str., 220012
S. V. Shushkov
Sergey V. Shushkov – Researcher
P. O. box 166, 2а, Tolbukhin Str., 220012
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