
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Physical-technical series

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Study on non-stationary heat exchange in combined packages of water-resistant protective clothing of firefighters


The results of research of non-stationary heat exchange in combined packages intended for creation of special water- and heat-resistant protective clothing of firefighters from dangerous and harmful factors during emergency rescue and other urgent works, with participation of non-toxic substances, acid solutions, alkalis, oil and petroleum products, liquid toxic substances, as well as during operation in water with temperature from 0 to 70 °С are presented. The stability of clothing material packs has been investigated as a transient heat exchange process in a multilayer plate with ideal thermal contact at the joints of the layers. The unlimited plate is heated on both sides under different heat exchange conditions according to Newton’s Law, with constant action of the heat source on one of the surfaces of the hot liquid contacting through the waterproof thin surface. Second surface of the plate interacts with external medium, temperature of which varies according to linear law. At solving the equation of non-stationary thermal conductivity with nonlinear transport coefficients, linearization methods are used based on the approximation of nonlinear coefficients, such that nonlinear equations become approximately linear. The entire heat transfer process is divided into a plurality of small-time intervals within which the transfer coefficients are constant. The zonal method of investigation of non-stationary thermal conductivity in clothing packages establishes equations for calculation of temperature, densities of thermal flows, distribution of temperature across thickness of clothing packages. It has been shown that under accepted calculation simplifications, parameter values are well consistent with the experiment. The composition of the clothing package is proposed, which meets the technical requirements of TУ BY 101114857.082-2015 “Personal Protective Kits”.

About the Authors

A. I. Ol’shanskii
Vitebsk State Technological University
Russian Federation

Anatolii I. Ol’shanskii – Ph. D. (Engineering), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Technology and Equipment of Machine-Building Production.

72, Moskovsky Ave., 210035, Vitebsk

R. V. Okunev
Vitebsk State Technological University
Russian Federation

Roman V. Okunev – Senior Lecturer of the Department of Technology and Equipment of Machine-Building Production.

72, Moskovsky Ave., 210035, Vitebsk

A. M. Gusarov
Vitebsk State Technological University
Russian Federation

Aleksei M. Gusarov – Ph. D. (Engineering), Associate Professor of the Department of Technology and Equipment of Machine-Building Production.

72, Moskovsky Ave., 210035, Vitebsk


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ISSN 1561-8358 (Print)
ISSN 2524-244X (Online)