Identification of radionuclides in cooling circuit of Cyclone 18/9-HC
About the Authors
A. Ya. MaliborskiyRussian Federation
Artyom Ya. Maliborskiy – Laboratory Technician.
223040, a/g Lesnoi-2, Minsk District
P. V. Tylets
Russian Federation
Pavel V. Tylets – Engineer for radiation and dosimetry monitoring.
223040, a/g Lesnoi-2, Minsk District
D. I. Brinkevich
Russian Federation
Dmitrii I. Brinkevich – Ph. D. (Physics and Mathematics), Engineer for the registration and storage of nuclear and radioactive materials; Leading Researcher.
223040, a/g Lesnoi-2, Minsk District; 4, Nezavisimosti Ave., 220030, Minsk
S. D. Brinkevich
Russian Federation
Svyatoslav D. Brinkevich – Ph. D. (Chemistry), Head of Cyclotron-Radiochemistry Laboratory; Associate Professor.
223040, a/g Lesnoi-2, Minsk District; 4, Nezavisimosti Ave., 220030, Minsk
V. V. Sinaiko
Russian Federation
Valerii V. Sinaiko – Ph. D. (Medicine), Head of PositronEmission Tomography Division.
223040, a/g Lesnoi-2, Minsk District
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