
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Physical-technical series

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Accounting of the vver-1200 overload influence for fission products activities calculating


Current work is aimed at the analysis of the fission products decay influence during fuel reloading, when calculating the accumulated fission products activity for the VVER-1200 reactor fuel campaign. The Bateman problem solution based technique was used for calculations, within the framework of the two fissile nuclides approximation. The fission products producing process for the VVER-1200 reactor stationary campaign is considered, taking into account the reactor shutdown periods for refueling and without taking them into account (instant reload approximation). It was shown, that the instant reload approximation for fission products activity calculations gives the similar accurate result, as calculations with taking into account the shutdown periods. The results can be used to significantly simplify the calculations of fission product activity accumulation in nuclear power reactors.

About the Authors

A. M. Petrovski
Joint Institute for Power fnd Nuclear Research – Sosny of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Russian Federation

Andrei M. Petrovski – Junior Researcher.

P. O. box 119, 220109, Minsk

T. N. Korbut
Joint Institute for Power fnd Nuclear Research – Sosny of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Russian Federation

Tamara N. Korbut – Ph. D. (Engineering), Assistant Professor, Deputy General Director for Research.

P. O. box 119, 220109, Minsk

E. A. Rudak
Joint Institute for Power fnd Nuclear Research – Sosny of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Russian Federation

Eduard A. Rudak – D. Sc. (Physics and Mathematics), Head of the Laboratory no. 18 of Nuclear Reactor Physics,

P. O. box 119, 220109, Minsk

M. O. Kravchenko
Joint Institute for Power fnd Nuclear Research – Sosny of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Russian Federation

Maksim O. Kravchenko – Junior Researcher,

P. O. box 119, 220109, Minsk


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ISSN 1561-8358 (Print)
ISSN 2524-244X (Online)