Accounting of the vver-1200 overload influence for fission products activities calculating
About the Authors
A. M. PetrovskiRussian Federation
Andrei M. Petrovski – Junior Researcher.
P. O. box 119, 220109, Minsk
T. N. Korbut
Russian Federation
Tamara N. Korbut – Ph. D. (Engineering), Assistant Professor, Deputy General Director for Research.
P. O. box 119, 220109, Minsk
E. A. Rudak
Russian Federation
Eduard A. Rudak – D. Sc. (Physics and Mathematics), Head of the Laboratory no. 18 of Nuclear Reactor Physics,
P. O. box 119, 220109, Minsk
M. O. Kravchenko
Russian Federation
Maksim O. Kravchenko – Junior Researcher,
P. O. box 119, 220109, Minsk
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