Substantiation of the possibility of developing reserves of the Third potash horizon of the Starobin deposit, previously worked out by the chamber system
About the Authors
I. I. GolovatyRussian Federation
Ivan I. Golovaty – General Director.
5, Korzh Str., 223710, Soligorsk, Minsk Region
A. B. Petrovskij
Russian Federation
Andrey B. Petrovskij – Deputy Chief Engineer for Mining.
5, Korzh Str., 223710, Soligorsk, Minsk Region
V. Y. Prushak
Russian Federation
Viktor Y. Prushak – Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, D. Sc. (Engineering), Professor, Director.
69, Kozlov Str., 223710, Soligorsk, Minsk Region
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