Smart grids concept for sustainable development of Belarus energy system
The smart grid technologies provide balance between electricity generation and consumption through optimal control of whole electricity system including emergency cases. Such innovation approach in Europe and North America disregarding of high cost of its solutions is much preferred then extensive development of generating powers. However the use of smart grid technology in Belarus is still at the primary level, at the level of presentations, discussions of its advantages and disadvantages and prospects for the introduction. Experience of realization in Belarus the international and domestic projects in this area as a first attempt to conduct exploratory research is described in this article.
About the Authors
S. A. Levchenko
Институт тепло- и массообмена им. А. В. Лыкова НАН Беларуси
S. V. Pluyta
Институт тепло- и массообмена им. А. В. Лыкова НАН Беларуси
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