
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Physical-technical series

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Simulation model “free-piston engine – electromechatronic converter on the basis of an electrical generator reciprocating”


The analysis of the state and prospects of development of autonomous electric power sources with electric reciprocating motion generators has shown that at present, low-power systems “free-piston engine – electromechanotron сonverter based on an electric reciprocating motion generator” are widely used. Studies of electric reciprocating generators have shown that special attention should be paid to combined generators that can improve the efficiency of such a system. However, until now, the study of the system “free-piston engine – electromechanotron сonverter based on a combined electric reciprocating generator” has not been given due attention. In this regard, a simulation model of the system “free-piston engine – electromechanotron сonverter based on an electric generator of reciprocating motion” was developed, which allows conducting research of this system in various operating modes when changing the parameters of the electrical and mechanical subsystems. A distinctive feature of the developed simulation model is the consideration of the features of simultaneous use in the magnetic system of an electric generator of reciprocating motion of transverse and longitudinal nonlinear changes in magnetic flows. As a result of the simulation model studies, it is shown that the combined electric generator of reciprocating motion allows for continuous conversion of mechanical energy of reciprocating motion into electricity over the entire operating cycle, as well as – to compensate for the mismatch of the forces of the electrical and mechanical subsystems of the system “free-piston engine – electromechanotron converter based on an electric generator of reciprocating motion”.

About the Authors

A. B. Menzhinsky
Military Academy of the Republic of Belarus

Andrei B. Menzhinsky – Senior Lecturer, Chair of Electrical Equipment and Power Supply Systems

220, Nezavisimosti Ave., 220057, Minsk

A. N. Malashin
Military Academy of the Republic of Belarus

Andrey N. Malashin – Ph. D. (Engineering), Assistant Professor, Professor of the Chair of Electrical Equipment and Power Supply Systems

220, Nezavisimosti Ave., 220057, Minsk


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