
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Physical-technical series

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Optimization of guard rings construction and epitaxial film resistivity of power n-channel DMOS-transistor


Powerful n-channel DMOS-transistor with drain-source breakdown voltage Uds br value over 800 V and thresh-old voltage from 2 to 5 V was considered in this paper. One or more guard rings are formed on perimeter of such transistor for the breakdown voltage raising. The optimal guard rings construction was described and resistivity value of epitaxial film ρv was determined for obtaining required transistor Uds br value. The regression model was built, with the help of which the most optimal construction variants of guard rings of investigated transistor and resistivity value of epitaxial film, were selected. It was established that the five-dimensional polynomial of second order using as regression model allowed choosing the optimal topological spaces values in the guard rings area and ρv value which made it possible to obtain required Uds br values of the transistor. Experimental values of transistor drain-source breakdown voltage were 876 and 875 V, but calculated values (at identical parameters of definitional regression model) were 874 and 880 V, accordingly, that were errors of 0.23 % and 0.57 %, i. e. made model fits well with experimental data. It was established that ρv makes contribution to breakdown voltages values of the transistor that is more substantial than parameters of guard rings construction. This NDMOS-transistor was manufactured under production conditions of OJSC INTEGRAL” – “INTEGRAL” Holding Managing Company according to the technological route developed by the author. Such device is used in various electronic devices for energetics, in mobile phones, as part of high-voltage integrated circuits of AC/DC- and DC/DC-converters and high-voltage, high-stable LED-drivers.

About the Author

N. L. Lagunovich
Affiliate Research & Design Center “Belmicrosystems” of Openly Joint-Stock Company “INTEGRAL” – “INTEGRAL” Holding Managing Company

Nataliya L. Lagunovich – Ph. D. (Engineering), Advanced Engineer

12, Korzhenevskii Str., 220108, Minsk


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