
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Physical-technical series

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Synthesis of wireless telecommunication network with adaptation to refusals of central elements of average and high intensity


A technique of synthesis of a wireless digital communication network with package switching, providing transfer of video messages of real time scale between elements of multipurpose information-operating system in conditions of high failure rate of central elements, is considered. As conceptual model of a telecommunication network – the network of the mixed structure, including multipurpose devices, constructed on the basis of standards of a broadband radio access with switching of packages and two interconnected levels of network interaction of elements (local and main) is accepted. The technique of synthesis of a wireless network is based on the multilevel, combined adaptation of a telecommunication network in the conditions of refusals of central elements, which primary goal is rational change of parameters, functions of network elements in close interrelation with purposeful transformation of structure of telecommunication system subnetworks. The main objective of carrying out the combined adaptation of the network consists in achievement of necessary throughput of communication system depending on degree of failure rate of central elements. Properties of multilevel adaptation were investigated in the course of realization of the combined (structurally-parametrical) synthesis with use of the aggregate approach of modelling of difficult technical systems. Efficiency of the specified technique is proven by the results of the imitating experiment with use of the aggregate model of a wireless network of data transmission with switching of packages, obtained previously. The experimental data, received at natural research of networks of a broadband radio communication on the basis of standards 802.11 b/g/n, have shown, that time of processing of packages of a message essentially depends on use of existing ways of adaptation. In particular, application of effective algorithms of adaptation (both parametrical and structural) will allow to reduce the time of finding of details (packages) in broadband communication devices by several times and, thereby, to provide demanded throughput of the network functioning in the conditions of refusals of central elements.

About the Authors

S. V. Kruglikov
United Institute of Informatics Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Sergey V. Kruglikov – D. Sc. (Military), Ph. D. (Engineering), Associate Professor, Deputy Director General for Scientific and Innovative Work

6, Surganov Str., 220012, Minsk

A. Yu. Zalizka
Military Academy of the Republic of Belarus

Aliaksandr Yu. Zalizka – Researcher of the Scientific-Research Part

220, Nezavisimosti Ave., Minsk


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