
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Physical-technical series

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Novations in creation and ensuring the competitiveness of BELAZ quarry machinery


The development tasks of OJSC “BELAZ” – Management Company of Holding “BELAZ-HOLDING”, are defined, which consist in using and introducing the latest achievements in the field of technical sciences and innovative technologies created on their basis into the design and production processes of mining equipment; development of new competitive products and promising sales markets, diversification of exports. Together with scientific organizations, studies have been carried out that have allowed us to develop new and improve existing methodological approaches to solving urgent problems in all problematic areas of creating modern mining dump trucks especially and in excess of extra heavy lifting capacity. OJSC “BELAZ” is the only manufacturer and supplier of dump trucks with a carrying capacity of 450–500 tons. As a result of research on the creation of such machines, the model of a short-base maneuverable dump truck with a rigid frame of a special design was first recommended, which reduces the center of gravity and loading height of a mining dump truck, designed according to the 4 × 4 scheme (two drive axles) with double axle busbar and the use of existing tires with a maximum carrying capacity of 104 tons. The proposed and comprehensively tested new layout solutions give reason to believe that the development of dump trucks with a carrying capacity of up to 600 tons is a reality when mastering the production of tires with a carrying capacity of more than 110 tons. А new generation of dump trucks with hydromechanical transmissions is designed; work is underway to create robotic complexes for the mining industry. Particular attention is paid to computerization, digitalization and environmental friendliness of mining equipment, ensuring the reliability of technology by creating and applying new structural materials and technologies for large parts and systems.

About the Authors

P. A. Parkhomchik
OJSC “BELAZ” – Management Company of Holding “BELAZ-HOLDING”

Pyotr A. Parkhomchik – General Director

4, 40 let Oktyabrya Str., 222161, Zhodino, Minsk region  

P. A. Vityaz
Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus; Joint Institute of Mechanical Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Pyotr A. Vitiaz – Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, D. Sc. (Engineering), Professor, Head

66, Nezavisimosti Ave., 220072, Minsk

A. N. Egorov
OJSC “BELAZ” – Management Company of Holding “BELAZ-HOLDING”

Alexander N. Egorov – General Designer – Head of the Scientific and Technical Center

4, 40 let Oktyabrya Str., 222161, Zhodino, Minsk region

V. I. Moiseenko
Joint Institute of Mechanical Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Vladimir I. Moiseenko – D. Sc. (Engineering), Professor, Head Researcher

12, Аkademicheskaja Str., 220072, Minsk

A. M. Naskovets
OJSC “BELAZ” – Management Company of Holding “BELAZ-HOLDING”

Alexander M. Naskovets – Head of the General Layout Bureau

4, 40 let Oktyabrya Str., 222161, Zhodino, Minsk region

D. I. Haritonchik
Joint Institute of Mechanical Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus; Ministry of Industry the Republic of Belarus

Dmitry I. Haritonchik – Deputy Minister of Industry of the Republic of Belarus

2, building 4, Partizansky Ave., 220033, Minsk

S. A. Shishko
OJSC “BELAZ” – Management Company of Holding “BELAZ-HOLDING”

Sergey A. Shishko – Deputy Chief Designer

4, 40 let Oktyabrya Str., 222161, Zhodino, Minsk region  


1. Tarasov P. I., Glebov A. V., Furin V. O., Voroshilov A. G., Lobanov S. V., Nevolin V. M. Structural schemes of caterpillar dump trucks for work in quarries with increased slopes of mine workings. Gornaya promyshlennost’ = Russian Mining Industry, 2008, no. 2, p. 26 (in Russian).

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3. Bakhturin Y. A. The justification of the forecast for the formation of transport systems of quarries. Problemy kar’ernogo transporta: materialy X mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf., Ekaterinburg, 14–16 okt. 2009 g. [Problems of career transport: Problems of open pit transport: materials of X international scientific and practical conference, Yekaterinburg, October 14–16. 2009]. Yekaterinburg, Institute of Mining of the Ural Branch of RAS, 2009, pp. 55–62 (in Russian).

4. Anistratov K. Y., Borshch-Komponiets L. V. Study of performance indicators of mining dump trucks for substantiating the structure of the fleet and the norms for generating vehicles. Gornaya promyshlennost’ = Russian Mining Industry, 2011, no. 4 (98), pp. 38–45 (in Russian).

5. Chaadaev A. S., Akishev A. N., Bakhtin V. A.,Babaskin S. L. Schemes for opening and mining deep horizons of diamond pits with steeply inclined workings. Gornaya promyshlennost’ = Russian Mining Industry, 2008, no. 2 (68), pp. 75 (in Russian).

6. Smirnov V. P., Lel’ Y. I. Theory of Career Heavy Vehicles. Yekaterinburg, Ural Branch of RAS, 2002. 355 p. (in Russian).

7. Yakovlev V. L., Tarasov P. I., Zhuravlev A. G., Furin V. O., Voroshilov A. G., Tarasov A. P., Fefelov E. V. Specialized types of vehicles for mining enterprises. Gornaya promyshlennost’ = Russian Mining Industry, 2007, no. 6, pp. 44–52 (in Russian).

8. Anistratov K. Y. World trends in the development of the structure of the mining equipment fleet. Gornaya promyshlennost’ = Russian Mining Industry, 2011, no. 6, pp. 22–26 (in Russian).

9. Parkhomchik P. A., Egorov A.N., Naskovets A.M., Vityaz P.A., Moiseenko V.I. New in the classification of modern mining trucks. Aktual’nye voprosy mashinovedeniya: sbornik nauchnykh trudov [Actual issues of engineering: a collection of scientific papers]. Minsk, Institute of Mechanical Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 2017, iss. 6, pp. 81–85 (in Russian).

10. Shishko S. A., Naskovets A. M., Parkhomchik P. A., Egorov A. N., Moiseenko V. I. Modern development of open-pit mining vehicles manufactured by BELAZ OJSC Aktual’nye voprosy mashinovedeniya: sbornik nauchnykh trudov [Actual issues of engineering: a collection of scientific papers]. Minsk, Institute of Mechanical Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 2018, iss. 7, pp. 8–11 (in Russian).

11. Egorov A. N., Naskovets A.M., Kostyukovich A.N., Moiseenko V.I. Ensuring the lateral stability of mining dump trucks in excess of an especially large payload. Aktual’nye voprosy mashinovedeniya: sbornik nauchnykh trudov [Actual issues of engineering: a collection of scientific papers]. Minsk, Institute of Mechanical Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 2015, iss. 4, pp. 77–80 (in Russian).

12. Naskovets A. M., Kostyukovich A. N., Moiseenko V. I. Transverse stability of mining trucks for deep pits. Aktual’nye voprosy mashinovedeniya: sbornik nauchnykh trudov [Actual issues of engineering: a collection of scientific papers]. Minsk, Institute of Mechanical Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 2012, iss. 1, pp. 186–190 (in Russian).

13. Shishko S. A., Moiseenko V. I. Justification of the selection of gear ratios of the umptera of dump trucks of especially heavy lifting capacity. Mekhanika mashin, mekhanizmov i materialov = Mechanics of Machines, Mechanisms and Materials, 2016, no. 4, pp. 52–59 (in Russian).

14. Moiseenko V. I., Mariev P. L. Fundamentals of Structural Equal Strength of Steel and Elements of Large-sized Machine Parts. Minsk, Institute of Cybernetics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 1999. 200 p. (in Russian).

15. Vityaz P. A., Moiseenko V. I., Sidorenko A. G., Tomashevskii D. G., Shishko S. A. Features of the use of structural steel 20XH3MA for large cemented gears. Mekhanika mashin, mekhanizmov i materialov = Mechanics of Machines, Mechanisms and Materials, 2018, no. 2, pp. 62–67 (in Russian).

16. Kharitonchik D. I., Moiseenko V. I. Large-Sized Gearwheels with Internal Gearing from Aluminum-Containing Steels. Minsk, Belaruskaya navuka Publ., 2012. 125 p. (in Russian).

17. Sotnikov M. V., Sidorenko A. G., Moiseenko V. I., Shishko S. A. New structural steel for nitrided parts. Sbornik materialov VIII Mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii “Deformatsiya i razrushenie materialov i nanomaterialov” [Proceedings of the VIII International Conference “Deformation and Fracture of Materials and Nanomaterials”]. Moscow, A. A. Baykov Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science RAS, 2006, pp. 338–340 (in Russian).

18. Dudetskaya L. R., Glushakov A. N. Investigation of the influence of microalloying with molybdenum and niobium on the penetration and mechanical properties of structural cemented steels 20XH3A and 20KHGNM. Vestnik GGTU im. P. A. Sukhogo [Bulletin of the Sukhoi State Technical University of Gomel], 2013, no. 2, pp. 21–24 (in Russian).


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