
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Physical-technical series

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Low-pressure nozzle with aerodynamic fuel atomization


A research was carried out with the construction of a model of a low-pressure nozzle with aerodynamic fuel atomization, which shows the advantages of nozzles of this type. In order to reduce the time at the stage of development and calculations, modern computer design systems were used. The research was carried out in the Flow Simulation module of the SolidWorks software package, which allows you to calculate and build a model of the internal flow around the nozzle using already known parameters. These parameters were set through the program conditions panel: fuel consumption per second; air flow rate at the inlet to the nozzle; static pressure in the combustion chamber. The calculations performed by the module made it possible to evaluate the manufacturability of the design, as well as the internal processes of mixing fuel with air. To determine the quality of fine dispersion of the fuel atomization, a model of the velocity field was calculated over the entire section of the nozzle, from which it can be seen that the maximum flow rate of the fuel is achieved in the outlet channels of the fuel atomizer of the nozzle. The results obtained indicate the operation of the low-pressure principle while maintaining high-quality fuel atomization. The use of low-pressure nozzle with aerodynamic fuel atomization is possible in modern gas turbine engines of civil aircraft, as well as in gas turbine.

About the Authors

S. S. Tihonchik
JSC “Belavia” – Belarusian Airlines”

Stanislav S. Tihonchik – Engineer

14A, Nemiga Str., 220004, Minsk

N. I. Puchko
Belarusian State Academy of Aviation

Nikolay I. Puchko – Senior Lecturer

77, Uborevich Str., 220096


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ISSN 1561-8358 (Print)
ISSN 2524-244X (Online)