Simulation of axicon processing area on technological equipment
Annotation. An analytical expression is obtained for engineering calculation of the regularities of removing the allowance from the flat surface of the part (a rectangle in the form of a flat glass plate of considerable thickness with holes for axicon blanks), which participates in relative and portable movement on the surface of a rotating tool (faceplate) and is in a power circuit with it, which provides automatic self-installation of lapping surfaces. A scheme is proposed for dividing the lapping surfaces of a flat tool and part into ring zones and sectors, resulting in the formation of elementary platforms with reference (calculated) points in their center. Analytical expressions are obtained for calculating the coordinates of these points. The kinematics of the relative movement of the tool and the straightener without oscillation of the upper link is considered, while the sliding of the conjugate surfaces takes place due to rotation of the tool and the straightener installed with a certain eccentricity. An expression is obtained for determining the sliding speed at any point of contact of the conjugate surfaces. Modeling when dealing with relative and portable movement of the upper unit, which allowed obtaining a formula for the slip velocity of the straightener relative to the tool that allows calculation the path of friction in a particular zone in different modes of operation of technological equipment. Modeling can be used as the basis for creating a method for controlling the process of forming conical optical parts (axicons) on serial lever grinding and polishing machines with a flat tool under free lapping conditions, which provide the possibility of obtaining axicons with a deviation of the forming cone from the straightness of no more than ±0.00012 mm.
About the Authors
A. S. Kozeruk
Belarusian National Technical University
Albin S. Kozeruk – D. Sc. (Engineering), Professor, Belarusian National Technical University (65, Nezavisimosti Ave., 220013, Minsk
R. Orlandos Dias Gonsales
Belarusian National Technical University
Rafael Orlandos Dias Gonsales – Graduate Student
A. A. Sukhotski
Belarusian National Technical University
Alexander A. Sukhotski – Senior Lecturer
M. I. Marina I. Philonova
Belarusian National Technical University
Marina I. Filonova – Ph. D. (Engineering), Associate Professor
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