
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Physical-technical series

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Method for approximate analysis of interaction of material with rolls in a vibroroll grinder


The article presents the results of a study of the process of material grinding in roller aggregates with various kinematic features. As the object of research, the design of a vibroroller unit is selected, which has great prospects for use in production. A characteristic feature of this unit is a significant influence on the grinding process of inertia forces. As the main method of research in relation to the movement of the working bodies of the roller and vibroroller shredder and the crushed material, a method of modeling is adopted. It is presented an approximate analysis of the interaction of the crushed material in roll units with rolls. The crushed material is modeled by a set of horizontal elementary layers. At the first stage, the material is crushed in rolls with constant kinematic parameters. Analytical dependencies of the roll pressure on the material are established. At the second stage, the grinding of materials in a vibroroller shredder is considered. A distinctive feature of the vibroroller shredder is the presence of an eccentrically installed roll. The variant is presented when the eccentric performs a curvilinear translational motion, and the roll performs harmonic fluctuation (vibrations) along the coordinate axes with an amplitude of e. The resulting inertia forces and oscillatory motions of the roll are considered. The analysis of the total force in the unit under consideration, which makes it possible to implement crushing-shear and vibration effects on the crushed material, is carried out. The force interaction of the roll with the material is described by two systems of forces: the elastic forces resulting from the contraction of the model layers according to Hooke’s law, and the forces caused by the vibration of the roll (inertia forces). The results obtained are of practical importance in the design of roller units and vibration equipment, as well as for the analysis of the operation of such designs of grinders.

About the Authors

L. L. Sotnik
Baranovichi State University

Leonid L. Sotnik – Senior Lecturer, Department of Engineering Technology and Equipment, Head of the Engineering Technology Section

21, Voikov Str., 225404, Baranovichi, Brest Region

S. I. Rusan
Baranovichi State University

Sergey I. Rusan – Ph. D. (Engineering), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Technical Support of Agricultural Production and Agronomy

21, Voikov Str., 225404, Baranovichi, Brest Region

L. A. Sivachenko
Belarusian-Russian University

Leonid А. Sivachenko – D. Sc. (Engineering), Professor, Professor of the Department of Transport and Technological Machines

32, Grushevskaya Str., 212003, Mogilev

O. I. Nalivko
Baranovichi State University

Oleg I. Nalivko – Postgraduate Student

21, Voikov Str., 225404, Baranovichi, Brest Region


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ISSN 1561-8358 (Print)
ISSN 2524-244X (Online)