
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Physical-technical series

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Passive autocatalitic recombiner characteritics calculation during severe accident on AES-2006 NPP


A modern NPP is equipped by containment to hold radioactive substances and ionizing radiation bounded as design margins prescribe. Hydrogen mitigation system is used to protect containment against hydrogen fire and detonation. The system includes a scope of passive autocatalitic recombiners. Hydrogen is transformed into water, passing through said recombiners. The reaction occurs on catalyst surface. The main catalyst material is a palladium doped platinum. Hydrogen mitigation system parameters during severe accident are of interest. Wise admitted for NPP full scale tests are impossible, so the main analysis are calculations. Recombiner consists of catalytic block and stuck. The stuck provides reagents feeding and products evacuation enhancing natural convection transport. A model for calculations is suggested for recombiner with a plate-type catalyst block. The two free parameters of the model are chemical reaction intensity on catalyst and unit drag. Said parameters are estimated experimental data based on. Passive autocatalitic recombiner characteritics during severe ac- cident on AES-2006 NPP are calculated. The unit capacity is found not less that specification points. Catalyst temperatures, even the mean one, are above 500 °С, exhaust jet temperature exceeds 150 °С. Hydrogen content is high in the jet. Capacity increases linearly with hydrogen concentration at the unit entrance. Atmospheric temperature influence is low. Hydrogen mitigation system overall capacity is constant for uniform or not uniform hydrogen distribution in the containment. The calculated data may be used for recombiner work estimation during accident on AES-2006 NPP.

About the Author

V. V. Sorokin
Joint Institute for Power and Nuclear Research – Sosny of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Vladimir V. Sorokin – D. Sc. (Engineering), Associate Professor, Head of the Laboratory

p/o box 119, 220109, Minsk


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