
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Physical-technical series

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Application of neuron networks of deep learning for exposures editing of digital phonograms


Possibility of creation of effective system, which is intended for exposure of tracks of editing in digital phonograms and is built on the basis of neuron networks of the deep learning, is experimentally proven. Sense of experiment consisted in research of ability of the systems on the basis of such networks to expose pauses with tracks of editing. The experimental array of data is created in a voice editor from phonograms written on the different apparatus of the digital audio recording (at frequency of discretisation 44,1 kHz). A preselection of pauses was produced from it, having duration from 100 мs to a few seconds. From 1000 selected pauses the array of fragments of pauses is formed in the automatic (computer) mode, from which the arrays of fragments of pauses of different duration are generated by a dimension about 100 000. For forming of array of fragments of pauses with editing, the chosen pauses were divided into casual character parts in arbitrary correlation. Afterwards, the new pauses were created from it with the fixed place of editing. The general array of all fragments of pauses was broken into training and test arrays. The maximum efficiency, achieved on a test array in the process of educating, was determined. In general case this efficiency is determined by the maximum size of probability of correct classification of fragments with editing and fragments without editing. Scientifically reasonable methodology of exposure of signs of editing in digital phonograms is offered on the basis of neuron networks of the deep learning. The conducted experiments showed that the construction of the effective system is possible for the exposure of such tracks. Further development of methodology must be directed to find the ways to increase the probability of correct binary classification of investigated pauses.

About the Authors

V. I. Solovyov
V. Dal Eastukrainian National University

Victor I. Solovyov – Ph. D. (Engineering), Associate Professor, Deputy of Manager of the Department of the Computer Systems and Networks

59a, Tsentralnyi Ave., 93400, Severodonetsk

O. V. Rybalskiy
National Academy of Internal Affairs

Oleg V. Rybalskiy – D. Sc. (Engineering), Professor, Professor of the Department of Information Technologies and Cybernetic Safety

1, Solom’yanska Are., 03035, Kyiv

V. V. Zhuravel
Kyiv Scientifically-Research ExpertlyCriminalistics Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

Vadym V. Zhuravel – Ph. D. (Engineering), Head of the Laboratory of Researches in the Field of Information Technologies

15, Vladimirska Str., 01001, Kyiv

V. K. Zheleznyak
Polotsk State University

Vladimir K. Zheleznyak – D. Sc. (Engineering), Professor, Head of the Department of Informative Safety  

29, Blokhin Str., 211440, Novopolotsk


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ISSN 1561-8358 (Print)
ISSN 2524-244X (Online)