
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Physical-technical series

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Problems of application of standards in evaluation of microstructure of metals and alloys


The purpose of this work is to consider the problems of applying some standards containing reference scales of structures: 1763-68, 1778-70, 5640-68, 9391-80, 10 243-75, 13938.13-93, 22 838-77, 3443-87 (materials: oxygenated copper, pipe and structural steels, cast iron). It is shown that the normative base of standards for metallographic analysis is morally outdated. The main problem is the discrepancy between the increase in standards and real modern structures. Basically, microstructure standards use a magnification of 100 times, in particular, for the analysis of oxygenated copper, banding of the rolled metal structure, Widmanstätt structure, phosphide eutectic. The analysis of modern materials requires an increase of about 500...800 times. The magnification of 360…400 times, used in some scales, is also insufficient, in particular, for the analysis of structurally free cementite. Also, the quality of images of structures makes them difficult to use. A common disadvantage of the considered standard scales of structures is the absence of metrics in photographs, which does not correspond to the modern level of metallurgy and causes certain inconveniences when comparing structures. It is necessary to revise the standards governing the structure of metals and alloys. Research should be carried out to develop a new generation of standards based on the real structures of modern industrial alloys. It is also necessary to develop new methods of structure analysis. This applies primarily to analysis in image processing programs.

About the Author

A. G. Anisovich
Physical-Technical Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Anna G. Anisovich – D. Sc. (Mathematics and Physics), Associate Professor

10, Kuprevich Str., 220141, Minsk, Republic of Belarus


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2. Kazakov A. A., Kiselev D. V., Andreyeva S. V., Chigintsev L. S., Golovin S. V., Yegorov V. A., Markov S. I. Development of a method for quantitative assessment of microstructural banding of low-alloy pipe steels using automatic image analysis. Chernyye metally, 2007, no. 7, pp. 31–37 (in Russian).

3. Saltykov C. A. Stereometric Metallography. Moscow, Metallurgiya Publ., 1976. 375 p. (in Russian).

4. Anisovich A. G., Rumjantseva I. N., Misuno P. N. Determination of oxygen content in copper by means of computer analysis of images. Lit’ye i metallurgiya = Foundry Production and Metallurgy, 2010, no. 1–2, pp. 306–311 (in Russian).

5. Anisovich A. G., Urban T. P., Buynitskaya A. S. Determination of cuprite density by analysis of oxygenous cupper. Lit’ye i metallurgiya = Foundry Production and Metallurgy, 2015, no. 4, pp. 151–155 (in Russian).


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ISSN 1561-8358 (Print)
ISSN 2524-244X (Online)