
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Physical-technical series

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Sintering of composite materials for tool appointment, based on impact diamonds, under high pressure and temperatures


The article presents the results of a study of composite materials based on diamond-lonsdaleite abrasive (DLA) and various binders (Fe–Ti mechanocomposite, silicon carbide SiC). A metal-matrix composite material with a multimodal nano- and microlevel structure, characterized by increased adhesion of diamond grains to the binder, is obtained on the basis of impact diamonds and a Fe–Ti nano-mechanical composite. It is shown that the use of impact diamonds in comparison with synthetic diamonds makes it possible to reduce the pressure of thermobaric treatment by 30–50 % at the same sintering temperatures. The use of Fe–Ti–DLA composites in the process of magnetic-abrasive polishing (MAP) makes it possible to increase the removal rate of material based on silicon by 1.5–2 times and reduce the processing time by 30 % compared to ferroabrasive powder (FAP) based on synthetic diamonds. The effect of adding of silicon carbide on the process of obtaining a superhard composite material impact diamond – SiC is investigated. It is found that adding of SiC helps to reduce the defectiveness of the material and increase the homogeneity of its structure in comparison with the material without adding of a binder. In this case, an increase in the content of SiC and Si also leads to an inversion of the structure type of the superhard composite from polycrystalline to matrix. It is found that the additional use of amorphous soot and boron affects the refinement of the matrix structure of the composite material due to the formation of boron carbide and secondary finely dispersed silicon carbide.

About the Author

V. T. Senyut
Joint Institute of Mechanical Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Vladimir T. Senyut – Ph. D. (Engineering), Leading Researcher

12, Akademicheskaya Str., 220072, Minsk, Republic of Belarus


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