
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Physical-technical series

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Deformed and stressed states of materials at the rolling of three layer stacks, dislocation structure of inner layer – nickel foil


The deformed and stressed states during rolling of a three-layer stack from various materials with a nickel foil inner layer are considered. The technique of determining the density of dislocations is described. The data about the influence of deformation conditions on the distribution and density of dislocations during rolling of nickel foil in various stacks are presented, including the registration or determination of the dislocation structure of nickel foil before deformation and at various degrees of deformation. It is shown that the mechanical scheme of deformation of the inner layer of the stack, namely, the deformation of the nickel foil by non-uniform compression with shear, has a decisive influence on the development of the dislocation structure and properties. It is established that the dislocation density is determined not only by the degree of deformation, but also by a scheme of the deformed and stressed state of matter, and for the case of shear deformation with increasing degree of deformation the dislocation density increases more rapidly than in the case of tensile strain or compression without shear; the result of shear deformation is a significant refinement of the structure of materials: with increasing degree of plastic deformation of the material a three-dimensional cellular network of dislocation is formed, wherein the borders of cells are formed by tangles of dislocations. With increasing degree of deformation, the density of dislocations at the cell boundaries increases, and the size of the cells decreases; in this case, the areas inside the cells of the dislocation network are always free of dislocations. The obtained results allow recommending the schemes with shear deformation for new promising processes of production of materials with unique properties.

About the Author

L. I. Hurski
Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics

Leonid I. Hurski – Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, D. Sc. (Engineering), Professor, Principal Researcher, Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics

6, P. Brovka Str., 220013, Minsk


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