
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Physical-technical series

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Influence of reconstruction parameters of positron emission tomograph scanning on the effect of partial volume of the pathological lesion


In this work, the following tasks were solved: to perform a comparative analysis of data processing methods when calculating recovery factors; to evaluate the influence of time-of-flight technology and PSF function on the recovery factor and the forecast of recovery factor deviation for potential pathological foci with a diameter of 6–8 mm; to evaluate the influence of parameters of iterative reconstruction algorithms, Gaussian filter and axial filters on the recovery factor. The calculation of the recovery factors was carried out on the basis of quantitative characteristics obtained in the analysis of reconstructions of images of the IEC phantom with six spheres installed inside and filled with a radiopharmaceutical. Eight series of experiments with background / sphere activity ratios 1/3, 1/4, 1/6, 1/8, 1/12, 1/14, 1/16, 1/20 were carried out with the same concentration of activity in the spheres during each separate experiment. The forecast of the effect of the partial volume effect on lesions with a diameter of 6 to 8 mm was carried out, taking into account the used reconstruction algorithms. It is advisable to use the results obtained to harmonize diagnostic protocols for scanning with positron emission tomographs using the input parameters of reconstruction algorithms and filters, which will minimize the error in the quantitative assessment of a radiopharmaceutical when analyzing the dynamics of the development of a pathological process, as well as the response of pathology to therapy.

About the Authors

E. V. Emelyanenko
N. N. Aleksandrov National Cancer Center

I. G. Tarutin
N. N. Aleksandrov National Cancer Center

P. A. Belobokov
N. N. Aleksandrov National Cancer Center


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