
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Physical-technical series

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Structure and phase composition of TiN-based vacuum arc coatings


The structure and the phase composition of the TiN-based vacuum arc coatings alloyed by chromium and copper deposited from the separated plasma flows are investigated. It is determined, that multicomponent (Ti, Cr)N coatings represent the substitutional solution with fcc lattice on the base of titanium nitride It is established, that multicomponent TiN/Cu coatings consist of the basic nanocrystalline TiN phase, and the thin layer of the second Cu phase is on the grain boundary of the TiN phase and it blocks the grain growth of the main phase It is found, that the residual stresses in the coatings are considerably high - 15-17 GPa for (Ti, Cr)N and 9-10 GPa for TiN/Cu. It is determined, that the addition of the alloying element reduces the coherent-scattering region size to 6 nm - (Ti, Cr)N and to 20 nm - TiN/Cu in comparison with 30-40 nm for TiN.

About the Authors

S. D. Latushkina
Физико-технический институт НАН Беларуси

A. G. Zhizhchenko
Физико-технический институт НАН Беларуси

O. I. Posylkina
Физико-технический институт НАН Беларуси

T. P. Urban
Физико-технический институт НАН Беларуси


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